Data Analytics

The generation and application of data are important operations within the enterprise. Big businesses use big data today in the volume, velocity, variety and veracity that are making data a core operation for sustainability, growth and competitive advantage. However, a number of small and medium-sized businesses that should be taking advantage of big data is either not paying attention to the critical roles of data in today’s business operation or is denied access to big data because of the perceived prohibitive cost or is intimidated by the technicality surrounding big data.

The need for big data in today’s business world has led data professionals and data companies to focus their services on big corporations with large resources and endowments to offset the cost associated with big data.

At ER, we believe that no business should be left behind in the use of data for decision-making and for sustainability, growth and competitive advantage. It is for this reason that our data services are focused on small and medium-sized enterprises.

ER data services have a formidable team of analysts, researchers and data professionals across sectors, bringing a multitude of knowledge accumulated over many years of operations at local, state, national and global levels. The data services include:

  1. Data Assessment (Needs and Baseline)
  2. Data Generation
  3. Data Design and Collection
  4. Data Analytics
  5. Data Tracking
  6. Data Maintenance
  7. Data Depository and Security

For more information, contact ER

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